The Music
Marathon Conservatory Theodora Roussi - Choir - Music Movement - Music Therapy - Experiential Workshops - Marathon Attiki

In Ancient Greece, Plato in his work 'Politeia' had formulated the need and benefits of musical education for young people. |

Through the world of musical expression, rhythm, movement and speech, children can develop their personality. Many music-motor systems such as those of music educators Carl Orff and Emil Jacques Dalcrose aim to develop sociability, attachment, musical and motor independence and freedom, improvisation and creativity. What Plato advocated was developed by later 20th century educators for teaching music. When the child feels good through his contribution to the overall effort, his belief in his personal worth increases and his self-esteem develops. The participation of children in ensembles with sonorous movements, instruments, speech and movement, helps them to increase their capacity for concentration and responsibility, teaches them to join ensembles and learn to work in groups with a variety of sounds at their disposal, self-acting in the world of music.
It is important to learn a musical instrument as well as musical education from pre-school age through music-motor education but also in the entire spectrum of youth education as an extracurricular activity since this possibility is not given in schools. The goal of music pedagogy is not so much the teaching of a musical code, but mainly the formation of a balanced personality, the development of the sensitivity and creativity of the young person. To develop a positive attitude towards good quality music, as an art form, whether it is art, traditional, folk or foreign. |
The school, which should normally form these criteria, has specific goals in today's society. It mainly aims at the development of the logical element in the child. It prepares tomorrow's professionally 'successful' people in life with exclusively financial criteria. Fields of knowledge aimed at the development of sensitivity, creativity are neglected or rejected, as secondary or meaningless. And as is well known, the hypertrophy of the logical element is compensated by the atrophy of the rest.
Music, together with painting, theater and other arts should have as their role precisely the development of the child's sensitivity, perception and sociability, as a compensation for the other subjects. And this can only be done in an atmosphere of joy and play with the active participation of the children and not in a sterile lesson.
It is also known from ancient times to the most recent studies that music has beneficial and therapeutic properties, which is why it has been introduced as an auxiliary therapeutic tool in medicine and also in schools for people with special needs.
The great educator and modern forerunner of music therapy, Dalcrose argued, "Music should play an important role in general education and not only in music education, because it responds to the most varied desires of man."
I wish all the bodies that serve music education and training to lead in the best possible way to a more balanced society with happy people.

Dora Rousi
Director of Studies of the 'Marathona Conservatory',
Soprano, Music teacher.